Kayamandi Fiber Project
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In The News
Press Release
Featured Press:
Could Kayamandi lead the continent? Tim Cohen on Daily Maverick
How Isizwe is going to give fast, affordable fibre to townships, Biznews
Kayamandi Fibre Project, John Maytham on Cape Talk
Township gets uncapped 100Mbps fibre for R5 per day, MyBroadband
SA's Isizwe launches Kayamandi low-cost prepaid fiber project
Nokia, Liquid Technologies and PayGoZo to provide affordable internet
This township fibre project has connected 3,000 homes to uncapped internet – for R5 a day - Business Insider
‘Digitale apartheid’ in township gekelder - Netwerk 24
Disruptive project brings fibre to homes in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch
Bridging SA’s digital divide would be a game-changer for the economy - Claire Bisseker
‘Digitale apartheid’ in township gekelder - Netwerk 24
Disruptive project brings fibre to homes in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch
Bridging SA’s digital divide would be a game-changer for the economy
- Claire Bisseker
Uncapped fibre for R5/day – Isizwe’s big gambit - TC | Daily
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Isizwe.com, 8 Bird Street, Stellenbosch
[email protected]